About Us
Global Blessing, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to working with families who are struggling with this issue to help provide these senior citizens with a stable and comfortable living condition so that they can close the final chapter of their lives with the dignity, the respect, and the love that they deserve. As an organization we target a specific population in the healthcare industry to ensure that these issues are being addressed at all stages of life.
For more information on the issue and Global Blessing, Inc. you can access our PowerPoint by clicking the above image.
For more information on the issue and Global Blessing, Inc. you can access our PowerPoint by clicking the above image.
The Testimony That Started It All!
"The agony of watching a loved one descend into dementia, the guilt in feeling bitter toward the stranger they have become, the stress of caring for them for as long as you possibly can, the fear for their safety when finally accepting that it’s no longer safe for them to live outside of a skilled facility – all overwhelming emotions. And then you add financial worries on top of that. Like so many, we were there. We thought our only hope was a miracle and it was indeed a miracle, an answer to desperate prayers, when we stumbled upon Grace Living. We knew we would eventually run out of the little bit of money there was, but we didn’t
want Mom anywhere else and decided we would jump off the next bridge when we got to it.
The day we had to tell Esther that we were going to have to make other arrangements was another one filled with emotions. We thought Medicaid facilities were our only bleak hope. Another round of overwhelming agony, guilt, stress, and fear.
When Esther asked us to come sit down and talk to her, we had a glimmer of hope that she might have some suggestions/advice on where to turn. When she told us about the non-profit she was starting and how she wanted to help us... the relief of that moment brings tears to my eyes as I write this.
Now when we visit, she no longer knows us, but she’s full of spirit and loves to show us around her
home. She stops to hug, and say ‘I love you’ to, her fellow residents and caregivers while telling us she’s glad to have us as new friends. Although you might expect those things to sting, they actually bring
relief. Our prayers have been answered - she’s well cared for, she’s safe, and she’s happy. We are so grateful for Esther, the ‘home’ she and her family have built, her staff, and her generosity. Esther, you truly are Mom’s guardian angel."
- Sylvia F.
want Mom anywhere else and decided we would jump off the next bridge when we got to it.
The day we had to tell Esther that we were going to have to make other arrangements was another one filled with emotions. We thought Medicaid facilities were our only bleak hope. Another round of overwhelming agony, guilt, stress, and fear.
When Esther asked us to come sit down and talk to her, we had a glimmer of hope that she might have some suggestions/advice on where to turn. When she told us about the non-profit she was starting and how she wanted to help us... the relief of that moment brings tears to my eyes as I write this.
Now when we visit, she no longer knows us, but she’s full of spirit and loves to show us around her
home. She stops to hug, and say ‘I love you’ to, her fellow residents and caregivers while telling us she’s glad to have us as new friends. Although you might expect those things to sting, they actually bring
relief. Our prayers have been answered - she’s well cared for, she’s safe, and she’s happy. We are so grateful for Esther, the ‘home’ she and her family have built, her staff, and her generosity. Esther, you truly are Mom’s guardian angel."
- Sylvia F.
Celebrating an Icon
1943 - 2023
Ms. Patricia "Patsy" Carlton. Patsy's kind and caring spirit spurred the creation of our organization as we aim to help seniors that face similar financial circumstances. The way she expressed genuine care to those around her regardless of how long she's known them or who they were was inspiring and truly sets the standard for how we should all look to treat one another in our daily lives. We hope to continue Patsy's legacy through the work we do here at Global Blessing and do justice to a truly incredible woman. Patsy's memory will live on lovingly in the hearts of her friends, family, and all of us here at Global Blessing.
We love you Patsy!
We love you Patsy!
About the Issue
Elderly Poverty
In the U.S. significant progress has been made to decrease in the proportion shared by elderly persons in poverty, but the number of those elderly in poverty has increased since the 70s. This is mostly caused by the increase in life expectancies and population booms. In 2019, the Congressional Research Service reported 4.9 million elderly citizens aged 65 and older lived in poverty. The U.S. Department of Urban Planning and Development reported in their 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) that in adult-only households, those aged 65 and older comprise around a quarter of the impoverished population. By comparison, adults aged 55 and older comprised 46% of those living in poverty.
Fincancial Hardships of LTC Facilities
The COVID-19 pandemic has created financial hardship for families and industries across the globe. In the U.S. LTC facilities have needed to take on an increased financial responsibility due to a higher regulations and needs to better keep the pandemic's most susceptible population as safe as possible. Due to this, many facilities have had to operate at a loss. Also, workforce shortages have made it difficult to meet the staffing demands needed to care for the residents.
Forced Displacement
Forced displacement can be an unfortunate experience for the elderly and their families to go through. Seniors can be forced to move out of their facility for a variety of reasons, such as inability to pay rent, becoming a danger to other residents, facility closures, etc. If not prepared for this sudden move, this can be a great financial burden on the families or caretakers of elderly persons and create stressful situations with little resource to deal with or understand what is happening.
Elder Homelessness & Housing Insecurity
Life expectancy for aged homeless individuals drops significantly from 77 years to 64 years old. What is considered "old" in terms of age differs by geographical area. Often those aged 50-69 are considered to be the "young old" age group, and are often forgotten about for resources, despite having higher needs than their housed peers, due to age-related constrictions. The 2018 AHAR by the U.S. Department of Urban Planning also reported that in the population of those experiencing sheltered homelessness, elderly or near-elderly people (adults aged 55 and older) accounted for a quarter of that population.